
Full Version: EFR 7163 Users.Oil usage issue fixed!
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If you have this turbo and have oil control issues please read. I had smoking for 2 years as soon as the oil warmed up. We are talking fill the turbine housing with a puddle kinda oil. kill all the bugs. make kids run indoors. embarrassing to drive kinda smoke.

ill spare the 2 years of on/off testing everything but ultimately it was the turbo infact needs a restrictor . You can only get this restrictor from Germany at the moment but it came quick.

This even came after using TurboXS inline turbo oil regulator that sets oil pressure to 40psi to the turbo and running a 10- to -16 to 1"NPT drain hole in the oil pan!!


is the one i have right now. Stock built in restriction is 2mm. This is .07mm...i also have the 1.6mm that i will try to see if it still doesn't smoke

this is after running a 6258 for years, littlerly had one of the first ones and always loved it with never an issue like this.

so if you have this issue, ignore the documentation, shoot them a call discuss!

I love these EFR turbos and id rather put it out there then people just give up! Keep in mind this is the only turbo in the lineup that i know or can find info on for having this issue. Its the only turbo also that im aware of in the small frame but aluminum center section. The others i this frame size are steel center sections.
Thats interesting let us know how the 1.6 works i have a 6758 that that was doing as you described just not as bad ,I always thought it was the motor just worn out making alot of blow by
Quote:Originally posted by dew343:
Thats interesting let us know how the 1.6 works i have a 6758 that that was doing as you described just not as bad ,I always thought it was the motor just worn out making alot of blow by
to clarify it does not smoke with the .07 and no issues so far but i figure i have it, more oil is better so ill try out the 1.6 to see if its not too much!
did you see the in line filter they recommend for the .07 restrictor ?
Quote:Originally posted by onesillynotch:

(The EFR 7163) is the only turbo also that I'm aware of in the small frame (with an) aluminum center section. The others in this frame size are steel center sections.

I've read that the ones with aluminum centers need water cooling, whereas those made of steel can get by with just oil cooling ~ but.....DUNNO! :dunno: <font color=navy>
Quote:Originally posted by TurboRay:
Quote:Originally posted by onesillynotch:

(The EFR 7163)[b] is the only turbo also that I'm aware of in the small frame (with an) aluminum center section. The others in this frame size are steel center sections.
I've read that the ones with aluminum centers need water cooling, whereas those made of steel can get by with just oil cooling ~ but.....DUNNO! :dunno: <font color=navy> [/b]
correct. mine has and always been water cooled. even my steel center one was.
I know you were having some oiling issues with the EFR I was doing a search on the oil restrictors you found for my own efr and came across this really interesting read its from a miata forum some good info some were experiencing similar issues as you . May be you know this if not it is a interesting for sure https://forum.miata.net/vb/showthread.php?t=655818
(01-20-2020, 02:19 AM)dew343 Wrote: [ -> ]I know you were having some oiling issues with the EFR  I was doing a search on the oil restrictors you found  for my own efr  and came across this  really interesting read  its from a  miata forum  some good info some were experiencing similar issues as you . May be you know this if not it is a interesting  for sure    https://forum.miata.net/vb/showthread.php?t=655818
im running one of the restrictors, had to get from Germany. Been fine since then
(06-27-2019, 01:08 PM)onesillynotch Wrote: [ -> ]Stock built in restriction is 2mm. This is .07mm...I also have the 1.6mm that I will try to see if it still doesn't smoke.

The (rounded)  crossectional area of those restrictors are:

.07 mm  = .000007 square inches
1.6 mm = .003 square inches
2.0 mm = .005 square inches

Ergo......the hole in that .07mm restrictor only has approx 3.8% as much area as that of the 2mm factory restriction!!! Thus, the 2mm restriction is approx 26 times larger in crossectional area. [Image: confused0016.gif]

OTOH......the 1.6mm restrictor has approx 80% of the area of the 2mm factory restriction and - based on yer past experiences - is probably not enough of a change to stop the smoking.

Given the drastically-smaller orifice size of the .07mm restrictor (compared to the 2mm factory restriction), I strongly suggest a very-small-micron in-line oil filter between the turbo and engine, to prevent a small particle(s) from plugging the restrictor and burning up the ball bearings in that gee-whiz turbo, Matt!  [Image: happy0034.gif]
The original link shows 0.7mm (not 0.07mm), so if the original 2mm is 100%, the 1.6mm would be 64% of the area, and the 0.7mm is about 12% of the area. Still significantly smaller than original, but maybe worth trying the 1.6mm??

Filter definitely sounds like a good idea regardless though!
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