
Full Version: 3rd annual East Coast Turboford Cookout! - September 29, 2024
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Alex Rummel asked me to post this for the community:

We've become a bunch of grumpy old hermits, so here's a community event.
Located on the Eastern Shore of MD, zip 21660. 
As per usual I'll be cooking 20# of smoked pulled pork and 4 cheese mac. 
We have yet to run out of food, no need to bring anything aside from drinks and chairs, just you and your car--Turbofords preferred so the New Jersey crew doesn't make us all look bad again this year--but not required.
I typically make sure one of the lifts is available just in case, so DRIVE! 
Also, a good opportunity to meet up to buy/sell parts if anyone wants to arrange that with each other."

Link is below...

Alex is active on Face Book if you have any questions or contact me and I will help.
Can message for exact address but will be posting it publicly on the event week of.
It was a great time last year! Bring your turboford out and hang out with like minded enthusiasts.
Click here to rsvp, can mark as going or interested to get a better idea of turnout

Eastern Turboford Cookout 2024 FB Event Page
Bump, coming up on a month out, let me know if you're planning on joining us for this! I can't promise the company will be any good around here, but at least there will be good food and a cool car or two