aggravating boost problem -
tirefryer93 - 06-16-2005
Ok, I just installed a new hybrid turbo on my 2.3. Everything sounded great, no leaks, etc. However, upon initial drive, absolutely no boost. Second drive, started getting boost, but no control of it. Checked the wastegate flap, it was disconnected, so I reconnected it and put a c-clip on in. Fixed, right? Nope. The car sounds fine, then when you start to come on "boost", it sounds like the wastegate is stuck open. But when I put pressure to the actuator manually (with an air compressor) I can hear it opening and shutting. Help!
RE: aggravating boost problem -
Vyk - 06-16-2005
Try applying pressure to the actuator with a foot pump? It's possible that it's opening way too early, and an air compressor wouldn't show you the difference between it opening at 2psi and 10psi.
RE: aggravating boost problem -
turbocolombian - 06-16-2005
Is it closing all the way? should have a length adjuster on the rod. Loosen the actuator to comp housing bolts (2) two or three threads then shorten the rod as much as you can finger tight, and tighten the lock nut. Tighten the mounting bolts back up and it should wind up nice and snug.
RE: aggravating boost problem -
tirefryer93 - 06-17-2005
Well, when I first found that the rod was disconnected, I couldn't reconnect it easily because it wasn't long enough. So I put pressure to the actuator to push the rod out to where it would slide on the flapper. So it should be tight enough, right? I mean, if anything, it should boost a little higher than normal?
RE: aggravating boost problem -
tirefryer93 - 06-20-2005
I used a bicycle-sized compressor with a straight hose to the wastegate actuator. The air pump went for a few seconds, building pressure, I felt the wastegate flap, and it opened "normally". Then I released the pressure and the gate closed. I am baffled. Oh, I am also noticing an erratic tick coming from somewhere in or on the right side of the engine. Anyone? Boost is a great ally to have sometimes
RE: aggravating boost problem -
MewKaLewK - 06-20-2005
Check to see if the compressor housing is bolted on securely without any leaks.
RE: aggravating boost problem -
tirefryer93 - 06-25-2005
To sum it up, all vacuum lines/intake hoses are tight. Only a small amount of air is coming from the boost control line, not a big whoosh of air when it boosted before. I've taken the control valve completely off, but it is still weak. All I can think is wastegate? Any other ideas? It pulls about 16 in. of vacuum at idle, and hits atmospheric at full throttle with a noisy air-like sound.
RE: aggravating boost problem -
Cleat - 06-25-2005
Check to be sure you don't have a plugged cat by loosening your downpipe (it will be noisy) and take it for a short drive.