Getting Fired back up - Printable Version
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Getting Fired back up -
DSGcoupe - 01-30-2023
Hello TF brethren! It's been awhile since I have been on here. Gotta love life and it's many sidetracks (and Murphy's Law rulings). Anyhow, I don't get on FB much and I know many of you are over there. However, I am about to dust off my TC this spring and finally start getting it going again after scattering the motor on the ground a few years ago. After 19 years on this forum, it's hard to ignore my affinity for these little motors. Just dropping in to say Hi to y'all again and see what's going on!
RE: Getting Fired back up -
TurboRay - 01-30-2023
Fat Albert would say........."Hey, hey, hey"!
RE: Getting Fired back up -
Paul LeDuc - 01-31-2023
Hi Lambert, good to hear from you.
Welcome back!
RE: Getting Fired back up -
DSGcoupe - 01-31-2023
Thanks Paul and Ray! Good to see you guys again!
RE: Getting Fired back up -
svomgb - 02-02-2023
It will be good to see more activity!
RE: Getting Fired back up -
SVO-SMITTY - 05-12-2024
Back as well!