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I vote stay with the E6 as well. Porting them helps it spool faster and will help hp a little.
Not a fan of any of the China/Japanese headers, doesn't matter who's name is on it, They are all pretty ...
Hope i'm wrong but I wouldn't be suprised if the Auburn is bad. I have broken alot of them even with less miles.
Also I agree check the pattern and backlash before you pull it and as long as the pat...
EPEC is a good unit but it's a PITA to tune with it. the manual that comes with it is a few hundred pages long. I have used them before back when they were thought to be good. Their are alot better un...
leave the stand off's on the tuner board. It will fit inside with them. If you pull them off you run the risk of the tuner board shorting out against the LA3 board..
He is either stupid or being lazy.
Ask him to look up the differential S-spring for a 87 mustang GT,Then ask him to look one up for a 93 F150 4x4.They will be different #'s.get the one for the F150..
A bent shift fork is my guess. Does it go into 3rd,4th,5th,Reverse fine?
or a red butt connector crimped down a little.
Thanks for all the help guys,the above info was dead on and it worked perfect.Made the cable and i verified the Tuner was in perfect shape.It even still had my old PE file i used on the ranger..
Now ...
Originally posted by dolphin1:
the power supply i use is 9 volts 350 ma.
i think i found one just one last question. is the center of the plug the + and the outside the - ..
google is my is the colors for the RJ45..
Also #1 on the RJ45 is on the left side when you hold the connector with the clip at the bottom..
1 wh/or
2 or
3 wh/grn
4 blu ...
do you have the colors for the RJ45? or which one is #1
but yes it helps out alot..
e-mail me at so we don't waste board space..
how much would you plan on selling it for?Let me know how you make out with making the cable
Whatever fair market value is.I also have PCMX t go with it.I don't plan on ever needing it a...
thanks alot...
I looked on the yahoo group and didn't find anything.I did e-mail shiftmaster about a week ago with no response.
Before i just pulled the 2 screws out of the serial connector end of my...
i would feel better knowing if it was still in perfect shape.there is no reason why it wouldn't still work but testing it would give me piece of mind.This tuner doens't have hardly any use on it.I had...
Does anyone know the pinout for the cable itself? I can't find mine and was going to just build another using a cat5 cable.I built a longer one before but i can't find the pinout sheet i made telling ...
The DSM translator locks the IAT at a certain temp,63 degrees i think.So you tune it for that and then it needs minimal tuning unless you have DRASTIC temp changes.then any setup will need a slight tw...
The DSM translator locks the IAT at a certain temp,63 degrees i think.So you tune it for that and then it needs minimal tuning unless you have DRASTIC temp changes.then any setup will need a slight tw...
The DSM translator locks the IAT at a certain temp,63 degrees i think.So you tune it for that and then it needs minimal tuning unless you have DRASTIC temp changes.then any setup will need a slight tw...
the exhaust wheel and shaft has to come out of the cartridge to fix it,which means the compressor wheel has to come off.. Try e-bay and a guy names turbopimp.he sells parts..