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Looking for part number SP93231B-4. Please don’t tell me there’s a set listed by Drew85 as he doesn’t answer. I’d look at a reciprocating assembly, rods or rods and pistons as I haven’t committed to B...
I’d like to buy them. How do we handle the money?
I’d like to buy the rods if we can speak?
Need a little help. It’s time to choose a rim kind and size for my 84 SVO. I love my stock rims but there is no way to widen them safely. That doesn’t mean I like the flat face just like sleeper. I wa...
Need a little help. It’s time to choose a rim kind and size for my 84 SVO. I love my stock rims but there is no way to widen them safely. That doesn’t mean I like the flat face just like sleeper. I wa...
Can’t seem to figure out how to get the link but it’s blue oval it’s Daniel Carpenter Reproductions, Blue Oval Industries ships from Yates Performance Amazon or dm me and there is an send by email b...
Bought on Amazon US made for $110 a side. I have been quoted $300 a side recently and could not find them any where for a decent price.
So “you need to understand” “a TB should be the last thing you should consider”. Mmm you’re a little condescending. Did you read the combo? It kinda is the last thing I’d do. I didn’t ever say I was n...
Thank you all for the response as I would love more throttle response!
As for the trans I have considered the 3:35 first gear with the 3:73 rear end. 1st on the stock 84 stock trans is way to shor...
So is it worth it? If it’s throttle response as you say is it worth it to swap it? Just curious.
If it worth changing throttle bodies on a 1984 SVO as some have said people make 400 hp and run stock. This car had issues on the Dyno and still made 359 two years ago. Made changes and I think it wil...