I would like to get some experienced feedback on what they think the best stand alone unit may be and why. I would like those with true standalone capabilities for both ignition and fuel management. Preferably those using crank sensors to drive the ignition.
You REALLY need to do some searching on this. Download the manuals from the models you are considering. Do some reading, then ask SPECIFIC questions you have.
The "best" is very subjective. There are several great options, depending on what you need/want.
Like 'Pit said, the "best" will depend on specific features you want...
Some good price/performance ECU's seem to be:
Holley Commander 950
Haltech E6X
EMS Stinger (not sure what the model# was, it was discussed about a month ago)
Trust me, you need to download evry manual and compare the features & ease of tuning vs what you will REALLY need.
'85 XR4Ti: HY35, T56, 8.8, AEM standalone... How much is the bluebook on my car again?
turbomustangs.com has a great info page on stand alone's.
Yea, I'm slow but just dont race me, remember the turtle and the hare!
Also, look into:
Wolf EMS
They are all aussie units, and cheaper straight from Australia or Canada.
Stock Block TT 5.0-
9.79@142.5mph pump gas,
383w 17 psi, 13:1 af, 28 timing, pump gas 9.21@151
sds :thumbup:
Function before form. Going fast is looking good!
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by NOTCH4U:
<strong> sds :lol:
Stock Block TT 5.0-
9.79@142.5mph pump gas,
383w 17 psi, 13:1 af, 28 timing, pump gas 9.21@151
Ah I remember my best stand alone.......
or wait wrong anwser
AEM is awesome.
Hellcat 17psi daily lol
GT500 11.6 @ 126
Dodge SMEC
Merkurboys Spokane, Wa.
Go to Barns & Nobel to transportatoin look for a book called How to tune and modifi engin managment systems . The authers last name is Hartman.In it will be a break down of about 30 - 40 standalowns.It has all the info you'll ever need.I think it was 40 bux so I bought it. :thumbup: :cheers: :burnout:
What do u get when u feed booost to a dinosaur???? Booostalotopuss.T for Turbo-S for Supercharged.