i am wondering if many of the merk guys have run the 98 cobra calipers with a merk master and had excessive pedal travel . i just got 05 gt mustang alu calipers and am concerned i may need more than a proportining valve to make it all work??
7.5 to 1 compression aint no way to make power...UNLESS YOU BLOW ON IT H A R D!
88,89,88 merk 70 cougar,89 heap,66f250
NO they will not work,sell the calipers to me.

Ok I just want the calipers...I have no clue if they will work.
Bump for a real answer!
Yea, I'm slow but just dont race me, remember the turtle and the hare!
no prob w/ the later merk master cylinder. upgrade your 85 to an 88 or 89 master (some 87's?????)
still working out the bugs!
Dunno how the Cobra calipers are gong to go on there,but keep us posted!
Lots of us are running the GT (99-04) calipers, which actually have much bigger pistons than the Cobra calipers..Pretty sure the 05 GT are identical. No problems with the late® model master/booster.
More adapters coming soon....
It's not a hobby, it's an obsession!
Godfrey makes an adapter to upgrade the master cylinder. Google Godfrey Merkur Edward Key
Keith Cua - 86 XR 340rwhp@5k with Mk VIII MAF now ProM 90
20G turbo, Ported Head, Big Valves, Cam, 944 IC, J3, Stgr Hdr
a pair of no miles o5 gt brakes woth mtn bracket and hose cost me 150 twin piston so i jumped because i knew i could sell them if they wouldent work
7.5 to 1 compression aint no way to make power...UNLESS YOU BLOW ON IT H A R D!
88,89,88 merk 70 cougar,89 heap,66f250
so i guess the twin poston 05 gt calipers will work with the 88 merk master . any other experiance
7.5 to 1 compression aint no way to make power...UNLESS YOU BLOW ON IT H A R D!
88,89,88 merk 70 cougar,89 heap,66f250