When I shut my car off it takes a while but there is a puddle of gas on the motor. I changed the ring washers, but is still leaks. I cant see any leaking, but it does. Thanks for any help.
did you change the o rings as well? if not id do that. b/c 2 dollar o rings are cheaper then injectors. i had two leaky injectors one was fixed my an oring the other is leaking from the plastic body and will need to be replaced.
88 turbo coupe
66 mustang
68 fairlane
79 F150
Yes I did change the o rings as well. Still leaked gas.
The weep hole could be doing it. Replace, upgrade, or go thru a box of old ones from the juckyard. I have got used ones in the past and had good luck. They are just as old as the stock ones in your car.
I think it is best to buy new on the injectors!
84 SVO, Getting 30 mpg! 80mm MAF, ported, FMIC,T3T4, 85.5 rebuild.
yea i agree aerobirdmotorsports.com has a set for sale 100 bucks for rebuilt injectors not abad deal. or use JY ones
88 turbo coupe
66 mustang
68 fairlane
79 F150
Or buy new ones from Dodge/Mopar for $120. Yes I mean go to Dodge/Mopar for injectors on your Ford.They're called "+20's" and are found in the Mopar Performance catalog. Same injector.
I'm cheap and have always gone the J/Y route.
Merkurboys Spokane, Wa.
I had a fuel leak a few months ago. It was the O-rings at the fuel rail-pulse dampener connection. There's two of 'em in there, Ford switched to garter spring connectors not long afterwards.
Most likely your injector is leaking at the housing. Mine leaked right where the metal part of the injector meets the plastic part. No way to fix it, must be replaced. I replaced mine with a used one. Had them all cleaned and flowed before I put them back in.
88 Merkur XR4TI 2.3T C3 Hallman bv 15 psi, BBK afpr, 255lph Walbro
I also had one injector leak from the housing. I had a spare set.
86 Mazda RX7, 2.3 swap, t5, MS3 sequential, BW EFR 6758
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