07-22-2022, 03:28 PM
Hey - new member here. My name is Bob Spooner and my teenage boys and I keep ourselves busy with various car projects. Our latest project is a preservation-mod of a 1967 Volvo 122. A friend of ours rescued it from the barn where it sat for 40 years. as these things happen, he went from this one to having 4 of them and this one needed to go to a good home - us. We were headed down the path of rebuilding the original B18 engine, but research showed us that we could get more reliable HP cheaper from a 2.3 turbo. So, were directed our search that way. We picked up 2 in a two-for-one + a bellhousing deal we couldn't pass up. We have both of them torn down now and were very pleasantly surprised by the condition of one, and happy we didn't buy the other one singly. We certainly have all of the pieces we need to make one very good engine, and a bunch of good spares.
We are new to the 2.3, but have done a bunch of e-research. We do have experience with engine rebuilding - but it's been jeep 4.0 and ford 302s and VW air cooled engines to this point. A buddy pointed us here, and I'm happy there is a community to support this engine - we have joined other forums as we have worked our way through our projects and these communities have to be the best part of the internet.
A couple of questions right off the bat here:
![[Image: 172074444_2402423696568904_5039452499455...e=62FF95DE]](https://scontent-bos5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/172074444_2402423696568904_5039452499455449992_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=iG7HWMPwtMgAX-oDBg9&_nc_ht=scontent-bos5-1.xx&oh=00_AT_B0UUiSDgfiE5FQVTcqE0mDwjNSgCyFCOYDmyr-3E9Og&oe=62FF95DE)
We are new to the 2.3, but have done a bunch of e-research. We do have experience with engine rebuilding - but it's been jeep 4.0 and ford 302s and VW air cooled engines to this point. A buddy pointed us here, and I'm happy there is a community to support this engine - we have joined other forums as we have worked our way through our projects and these communities have to be the best part of the internet.
A couple of questions right off the bat here:
- Where is the best place to get an exhaust flange - we will have to make our own exhaust collector as the Volvo engine bay is a little narrow.
- Same with an alternator relocation bracket: would like to move it to the lower passenger side
- Cam and Crank position sensors: we will megasquirt this engine. I see a unit over on the Stinger website that mounts to the distributor and the way I understand it they say it provides crank and cam positions - or perhaps they say it provides enough position info to work. Anyone have any experience with that?
- This will be our first turbo engine megasquirt project - and we only have 2 prior MS projects so it's not like we are MS experts over here. Does anyone have a decent basemap they'd be willing to share?
- What is the best option for turning the intake 90 degrees? Does anyone make just the intake flange, so that we could fab our own?
- Throttle bodies - any recommendations for aftermarket TBs?
- Oil pan: again, what's the best (and by best I mean most bang for buck, we are not building a show car here) replacement oil pan. Both of these engines have banged up pans.
- Any cool alternative valve covers out there? The two we have are the stock versions with the recess in the center - there OK, but perhaps there is something cooler.
- I always like the little guys: any forum members fabbing cool stuff we could use in this build?
I think that it is for now - thanks in advance for any info. Here's a couple of snaps of the 122:
![[Image: 172074444_2402423696568904_5039452499455...e=62FF95DE]](https://scontent-bos5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/172074444_2402423696568904_5039452499455449992_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=iG7HWMPwtMgAX-oDBg9&_nc_ht=scontent-bos5-1.xx&oh=00_AT_B0UUiSDgfiE5FQVTcqE0mDwjNSgCyFCOYDmyr-3E9Og&oe=62FF95DE)
![[Image: 172815335_2402423686568905_5287807290011...e=62FFD1E3]](https://scontent-bos5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/172815335_2402423686568905_528780729001140521_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=o7w1846xHMoAX8lF-oa&_nc_oc=AQnf4CAiqQSPWzjbct6c5vhH--wFg2pmSZqOiS54kJHrQGJ_lnSR90xI2R628dnCIoQ&_nc_ht=scontent-bos5-1.xx&oh=00_AT_hv1iRPtW6piTAKwOgWDDmIzBU-Oopo2RsNSUq9Rp0WQ&oe=62FFD1E3)