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stay 2.3, or 2.5 or 2.8 or 3.0 - w/ 8:1 comp or higher...HELP!

Guys I appreciate all this and I know what to do now. Of course I've still got a ton of questions, but one thing at a time.

I'll leave the stock '84 SVO bottom end stock and build a spare block I've got, put the new head on it and drop it in.

I REALLY appreciate all the input from everyone.

Good Reverend, my plan is to put a Tremec in, and the Cobra IRS, and I'll get back w/ you about fuel, dunno about that yet. I can get what's needed for fuel from Stinger's store?
84 SVO ~ And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Heb. 8:13b ~

Quote:Originally posted by 140cilx:
Stinger asked hp goal, and basically, I'd like 500 hp/550 lbs tq, but without appearing exotic or requiring all kinds of exotic parts and I'd like it day in/day out reliable.
Does not compute...

Quote:Originally posted by bw_krupp:
Quote:Originally posted by 140cilx:
Stinger asked hp goal, and basically, I'd like 500 hp/550 lbs tq, but without appearing exotic or requiring all kinds of exotic parts and I'd like it day in/day out reliable.
Does not compute...
Understood, but still a goal...
84 SVO ~ And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Heb. 8:13b ~

Look stock, make 500hp and be day in/day out reliable?

There is nothing really Exotic nor Stock in a 500Hp 2.3L stroker.... 500Hp will require external and internal modifications. A 500 Hp 2.3 will break something at some time...

So you should scratch the goal....and decide which is the real priority....

1. Stock looking...
2. 500Hp...vs day in/day out reliable
3. To spend money or not to spend money....that is the real question.

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.
70Mach1 351C4V-bigHP,88TC garaged,87TC 2.5LDPDIS 90mmMAF65mmTB LA3/Tuner Ported OSvalves T3/4 3"DP ATR Crane 57# AWIC/ICE Boxed

Quote:Originally posted by bw_krupp:
Quote:Originally posted by 140cilx:
Stinger asked hp goal, and basically, I'd like 500 hp/550 lbs tq, but without appearing exotic or requiring all kinds of exotic parts and I'd like it day in/day out reliable.
Does not compute...
Take a look at this video: http://www.streetfire.net/video/4cyl-svo..._90316.htm

Does that 2.3 engine look stock enough? That SVO put down 515 rwtq and 515 rwhp. The engine is reliable and is still running to this day. The weak link was the T5 transmission.

Also it doesn't matter if you make 200 hp or 500 hp, you'll still be working on it at some point. Wink
Everytime I race they have to shut the track down for cleaning...

svojohn what did that car run?

Quote:Originally posted by cmartin:
Afriend of mine is a machinist and pulls tractors. We talked about making a deck plate to go between the block and head and sleeving the engine. It has never happened yet, but it would be cheaper than buying an aftermarket engine. This would be a track only engine of course
Just get a cast iron 2.3 torque plate and angle mill the underside of it and the block so the rings don't hit the seam all at once. Has been done on a B'ville engine. Sleeves not needed. Not sure if bottom of cyl. height different on 3.0 though.

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