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They are doing some kind of challenge and one of the cars is going to be a turbocoupe.

it is the american version

it's on the history channel

Is this the silver one I keep seeing a very short glimpse of?
87 coupe 2.3 5spd 9.37@144
Stinger Performance
Rocking an Iron Head and a 5speed
PIMP controlled

The only factory block, crank and head in the 5's.

Its nice to watch a top gear that doesn't constantly slam every american vehicle as crap compared to the superior European breeds, they compare a 30k american car to an 80k euro car and talk about how the american car can't run the lap .2 seconds faster.
1984 GT turbo vert, RR cam straight up, fleabay FMIC, IHI, la3 swap with premium locked in, other various things.....

Is it going to be next week's episode? I just checked the history channels website and didn't see anything about it. But I want to check that out for sure. As long as they're not going to off road it like I seen them do on a commercial :thumbdown:
93 hatch, stock, ihi turbo, larg npr.

It also is shown breaking down and its an automatic, the later clips only show the caddy and nissan going at it with no TC in sight. I guess that means the prices for TC's will continue to go down Big Grin
2009 Mazdaspeed 3 *2.3 Turbo*
282whp/331wtq (18psi)
1988 Notch+Stuff+E85
269rwhp/291rwtq (16psi)

I'm with Texas Turbo I hope the thing looks and runs like a POS. Where else am I going to get cheap cars to part out for my Mustang. :razz:
StingerFMICkitw/smallNPR, HE351@23#,Gutted&Knifed,PortedE6,WCT5,ACG,BOV,2003CobraIRS.

I like bbc's top gear. those guys are hilarious. History channel's sucks so far. Lets drag race 3 lambo's with one of them having 100 more hp and see who wins. DUH..

i guess they should have thrown a head gasket and a tfi and a intermediate shaft and a dizzy gear in the trunk.....

I agree with rs7337.
I watched the 1st episode.
Chasing a Viper w/an Apache attack Helicopter??? WTF!
I'd have thought it was really a cool show,when I was like 15 yrs old!
I've watched the Brit version for years and love it. Yes they do tend to browbeat American cars,but still,the show is very entertaining. Funny and informative.

Quote:Originally posted by rs7337:
I like bbc's top gear. those guys are hilarious. History channel's sucks so far. Lets drag race 3 lambo's with one of them having 100 more hp and see who wins. DUH..
The murcielago with higher hp lambo actually lost to the superleggera.
2009 Mazdaspeed 3 *2.3 Turbo*
282whp/331wtq (18psi)
1988 Notch+Stuff+E85
269rwhp/291rwtq (16psi)

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