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Turboford Mythbusters...

I had someone tell me that letting your car run for a few minutes (like while you run into the gas station for a candy bar) you use less gas than if you were to shut off and restart your car.

I figure some of the MegaSquirt guys on here are probably smart enough to figure fuel used over, let's say, 1min vs. fuel used to start the car.
StingerFMICkitw/smallNPR, HE351@23#,Gutted&Knifed,PortedE6,WCT5,ACG,BOV,2003CobraIRS.

I don't agree as i know a few cc's of fuel down a carb will start it right up, can't imagine it idling for a few minutes on a few cc's of fuel? Maybe it can be that would be hard to believe.

i would have to disagree with it using less by letting it idle even on start up using Squirt it has a cold enricment but if its already warm its not need so would only be cranking PW that would be slightly higher
`86/87 Mustang w/61mm Turbonetics

A turbo: exhaust gasses go into the turbocharger and spin it, witchcraft happens and you go faster.

Quote:Originally posted by JedNeck:
I had someone tell me that letting your car run for a few minutes (like while you run into the gas station for a candy bar)...
In some state you will be braking the law doing that.

The alien mothership is in orbit here. If we can hit that bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards; Checkmate.
-Zapp Brannigan-

If you check out the "hypermiler" driving techniques and forums, many of them shut down the engine at redlights, and fire the car back up when it's green. I watched a demo of a guy that does this and it just seemed like too much work. He does however get higher milage and close to some hybrids with a standard accord.

There are forums on all this.....
many Fords, just no time...

common hyper-miler fact. Shutting your car off at a stoplight saves fuel.

So your myth would be busted.....

Some new cars, even non-hybrid cars do this at stoplights. Stop completely the car shuts off. Hit the gas car starts up and accelerates....completely unknown to the driver....

That being said on cars without this technology you are adding wear and tear on your starter as well as the annoyance of having to start your car every time the light turns green.
76 Capri II turbo
The only change I see is the
altitude we are at as we head further into the downward spiral

Quote:Originally posted by 77pinto:
In some state you will be braking the law doing that.
Only in Minneapolis and Philly....

In CT it's 3. Surely you can get a candy bar within 3 minutes....In NY we have 5.
76 Capri II turbo
The only change I see is the
altitude we are at as we head further into the downward spiral

I am no expert here, but I think with the improve technology on newer cars today, it probably is more cost effective to turn the car off. With older cars may be a 50 50 toss up Smile
88XR4TI:T67/T4 Turbo,85lb inj,PIMPV1.3,LS2-Coils,255LPH,3" exh, Stg4 Head, BoPort Header, Bob's Inline, Cus.body kit, 16" Rims, Supra 3.73 LSD, Rasp.PI3 dash

keep in mind, truckers with big diesels do it, but i think its cause if they shut it off, they have to let it idle for a long time till it warms back up anyways. but ive almost never seen a semi with its engine off...

1987 TC - Goldie - Gone but not forgotten
1988 TC - Blue/Blue 5MT Check-off car, trying to save...
Sold the Coupe (hated it), Crushed the 85.5 (rust).

It has been proven many times over that letting your car idle as you say uses more fuel, than shutting it off and then re-starting. If I remember right anything over 15sec. is the time. Watch your UPS driver, they are required to shut the truck off every time they get out. The reason is fuel economy.

A good friend of mine was in India a few years ago and one of the things that amazed him was everyone cut off their vehicle at stop lights (motorcycles to city buses). They also get a yellow light to indicate the light is turning green. With gas prices as high as they are there they do not want to burn any more fuel than necessary.
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

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